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by David M. Carollo –

In the last days it is said that there will be wars and rumors of war. Are we at that point in history? Only God knows the answer, but I hope not; perhaps for a reason that does not seem apparent.
“Go and make disciples of all nations,” He told us. Certainly, the apostles and the disciples travelled the world and introduced Christianity to many places. Missionaries from the beginning of the Christian era followed that directive and brought souls to God. But what did we do to keep the world Christian, Catholic and in adherence with the laws which he gave us?
I look today at Europe and this country and think that we have abandoned our heritage. The great legacy of Christian culture, which built the world as we know it has been sacrificed to a secular ethic. The beauty of the culture depicted in architecture, music, art and sacred liturgy seems to be credited to anything but the faith, which is the foundation of it all. It brings great pain to those who understand that what we enjoy today is the fruit of life structured on the laws of God.
So many today say, “When will God intervene and eliminate all the evil that has gained such a foothold in the world?”
The real question is, when will we intervene by devoting our lives to the extra prayer and penance that will convert those perpetrating great evil so that they will stop their actions, repent of the damage they have inflicted and hopefully save themselves.
Our mission is to bring the message of salvation through the message of Our Lady at Fatima, make reparation and heal the world. Our goal cannot be the destruction of evil individuals. The Pardon Prayer, which the Fatima children were taught, states our belief and our mission. My God I believe, I adore, I hope, and I love Thee, and I beg pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope, and do not love Thee. What charity is there to hope for the destruction of evil people and not care for their wellbeing? We are commanded to “love thy neighbor,” not only your nice neighbors.
Christ died for all of us, the grateful and the ungrateful. He died as much for the unrepentant thief on His one side as he died for St. Dismas, who asked for and received forgiveness. As we approach Good Friday and Easter Sunday, it will serve us well to recommit to the mission at hand; the mission of bringing the Faith to the far corners of the world. Many great missionaries continue this task. Although we cannot all bring the Word directly, we can be the spiritual support for those who physically evangelize and re-evangelize the world. We can evangelize in our world, starting within our families and amongst our friends.
Yes, evil has gained the upper hand today. Yes, we all hope for a miraculous end to difficulties that plague us. Yes, we all want to live in a world which is devoid of evil. What, however, are we willing to do to bring this about? The answer is greater devotion to our commitment of prayer and sacrifice, especially fulfillment of the First Saturdays devotion, the unfulfilled part of the Fatima requests. I for one hope that this is not the end time, and I firmly believe that it is not. I do not want to stand before the Almighty and have Him say ‘Why were you so anxious to end your mission, when so much more needed to be done?’ Our Lord lamented during His passion that not all would avail themselves of what was merited. He would have been crucified again for each one of us.
Podcast on the Act of Consecration – 1984, 2022
Tomorrow the Holy Father will make a consecration of Russia and Ukraine, as well as all of humanity to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Since the announcement last week, we have been inundated with inquiries and comments about this act and about St. Pope John Paul II’s consecration made in 1984. The position of this apostolate and my personal belief is that the 1984 consecration was accepted by heaven as stated by the last surviving seer of Fatima, Sr. Lucia, in a letter to the late Fr. Fox and repeated to many others. Please watch the podcast of Fatima Today, in which I discuss the 1984 consecration and Sr. Lucia’s letter to Fr. Fox with John Preiss of the Fatima Family Apostolate, and please subscribe to the podcast.
World events in the years that followed act and speak for themselves. There are things about that consecration and our behavior, however, that need to be considered. For one it was made very late, in fact 55 years after the request. By then Russia had spread her errors. Secondly, we need to look at our society and the degradation of order that has permeated the world, especially in the West. God grant’s grace, but free will determines whether we will cooperate. This act which will take place on Friday will undoubtedly bring great grace upon the world, especially with so many bishops, priests and laity joining in. Will there automatically be peace in Ukraine on Saturday? Possibly. More importantly will we respond to the graces that flow from this act and merit peace and justice throughout the world? The choice is ours.
God bless you and Mary keep you in her Immaculate Heart.
FATIMA TODAY podcast on the 1984 consecration with David Carollo and John Preiss.
David Carollo is the Executive Director of the World Apostolate of Fatima, USA and National Blue Army Shrine. He wrote this for his Voice of Fatima column.