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We are saddened to report on the death of our long time National Coordinator, Deacon Robert Ellis, who passed away on December 12, the feast of Our Lady Guadalupe, after a hard-fought battle with cancer this past year.
Despite his sufferings, he continued working as long as he could, while undergoing treatments.
His dedication to the work of this apostolate and Our Lady of Fatima was unwavering; he will be greatly missed. He had a great devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and was especially devoted to spreading the First Saturdays devotion and the promise of peace in families, the Church and the world. He was a good and faithful servant of our Lord and His Blessed Mother to the end.
Deacon Ellis became the National Coordinator for the World Apostolate of Fatima, USA, in 2008. He became a member of the apostolate in 1968 and was ordained a permanent deacon in 1986. He served as the spiritual director of the Green Bay, Wis., division of the World Apostolate of Fatima for over 10 years.
For many years, Deacon Ellis hosted a weekly radio show on Radio Maria. He was a frequent guest on Relevant Radio and other radio shows, and appeared on numerous occasions as a guest on EWTN programs. Considered one of the leading experts on the apparitions at Fatima, he was consulted by book authors and researchers, and invited to speak at many parishes, events and conferences.
A Navy veteran and husband of 50 years, he is survived by his wife, Dianne, 14 children, 58 grandchildren, and one great-grandchild. You can read more in his obituary:
We pray for the repose of his soul, and offer our prayers and condolences to the Ellis family. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and may his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace.
David M. Carollo
Executive Director